Dunkin' Donuts is elite. Sorry, not sorry, Starbucks, you ain't got nothing on Dunkin'. Your donuts are whack. Your regular coffee is also WHACK. Dunkin' provides that delightful hankering for a simple coffee with your favorite donut. And they have always encouraged the dunking of your donut in that delectable coffee, and we love a support bestie. Every season is Dunkin' season, even the iced coffee folk in the winter and the hot coffee drinkers in the summer. Dunkin' drinkers love all Dunkin' drinkers. You want a fancy shmanzy drink? Live your life, babe! You want to keep is classic with a regular hot coffee and powdered donut? More power to you, bruh. We are simply pro-Dunkin' and are really realllyyyyy craving a donut right now. Heck, even a Munchin' would hit the spot! (Not like they ever don't hit the spot.) Anyways, let's go on a Dunkin' run, enjoy our little treats, and LOL at these memes!